On behalf of FSEIHE «Lesgaft NSU, St. Petersburg» I am privileged to invite you to take part in ХХ International scientific congress «Olympic sport and sport for all», which will take place in Saint-Petersburg on 16-18 December 2016.
Traditionally this congress is held annually at the premises of the leading national universities of physical education and sport under the patronage of the International Olympic Committee.
ХХ International scientific congress «Olympic sport and sport for all» in St. Petersburg is confined to the 120th anniversary of Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health.
Organizing committee of the Congress and the collective body of the University are doing their best to make the substantial contribution into development of international sports science and to help the Congress work for strengthening of friendship and cooperation between the nations.
Rector of FSEIHE «Lesgaft NSU, St. Petersburg»
S.E. Bakulev
- Scientific fields of the Congress:
The International applied research conference “Physical education in Russia: history and modern times” dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Lesgaft NSU will be held in the framework of the Congress.
- Official languages of the Congress:Russian, English
- Forms of the Congress:
- plenary meeting – 20-25 min
- leading section reports– 15-20min
- section reports – 10-12 min
- poster reports should be presented on a paper ISO216: width 0.841 m, length 1.189 m. Authors of the poster reports have to attend the poster session according to the schedule to answer the questions.
Round-table meetings
- Key dates:
- Congress is held on16-18 December 2016.
- Deadline for the preliminary application –10 September 2016.
- Deadline for sending the Congress materials –15 September 2016.
- Until 10 September 2016 it is necessary to apply via e-mail: kongress-lesgaft2016@mail.ru
- Each registered participant can send no more than 2 articles via e-mail: kongress-lesgaft2016@mail.ru
- Requirements for the published materials:
1. The articles both in Russian and in English are accepted.
2. The article shall not exceed 4 pages of the author's text (page size A4), including bibliography, tables and images.
3. Text editing program: Microsoft Word 2003/2007/2010/2012/2015/2016
4. Borders: top, bottom, right are 2.0 sm, left 4.0 sm.
5. Font style: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
6. Line spacing is 1, full page justification. Paragraph starts with a shift 1.0 sm.
7. Elements of the article should be laid out in the following order:
- scientific field of the Congress;
- title of the article – capital letters, bold print with left alignment;
- surname and initial letters – low case letters;
- organization name, city, country – low case letters.
8. Images from the text of the article should be black and white, images should also be attached as a new file.
9. Article should include and highlight introduction, methods, research results, discussions and summary.
10. Bibliography should be in strict alphabetical order. If there is a reference to an author in the text of the article, this author should be included in bibliography. References in the text should be indicated in square brackets.
11. Conference organizing committee reserves the right to choose the publication materials. After consideration author will be informed about the possibility of the publication via e-mail.
- Each article should be recorded as a new file.
- Contact information: kongress-lesgaft2016@mail.ru
Registration fee
Registration fee should be paid in rubles. It can be paid both by bank transaction and on the day of arrival at the registration desk of the Congress. If you choose bank transaction, it is necessary to indicate the payment function (XX International scientific congress, participant’s name) and send the payment confirmation via e-mail:kongress-lesgaft2016@mail.ru).
Registration fee level:
- participants – 80 EUROS (paid in rubbles at the Central Bank of Russia rate on the date of payment)
- postdoctoral students, postgraduate students and master students–40 EUROS (paid in rubbles at the Central Bank of Russia rate on the date of payment)
Registration fee for Russian delegations – 2000 rubbles (Russian postgraduate students and master students - free).
All the expenses and costs are responsibility of the sending organization.
Banking instructions for the remittance of arrangement fee:
Remittee FDT Saint-Petersburg (Lesgaft NSU, St. Petersburg, facial account: 20726X21350)
TIN/RRC: 7812047911/783901001
Payment account 40501810300002000001 Bank of Russia Main Branch for the North-West, Saint-Petersburg
BIK 044030001
Russian Classification on Objects of Administrative Division: 40301000
Budgetary classification code: 00000000000000000130
Payment function: XX International scientific congress, participant’s name)
Participant’s application form
for the XX International scientific congress
«Olympic sport and sport for all»
Surname, name, other names | |
Country | |
City | |
Organization | |
Department | |
Occupational title | |
Academic degree | |
Academic title | |
Postal address (with the ZIP code) | |
E-mail(obligatory!) | |
Contacttelephonenumber(including country and city code) | |
Title of the article | |
№ and title of the section | |
Coauthors | |
Form of the participation (on-site or off-site) | |
On-site participation - (yes or no) | |
If «yes», please indicate form of the presentation – verbal report or postal report. | |
Technical requirement for the presentation: yes/no | |
Do you need an accommodation – (yes/no) |
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