Почтовый адрес: 190121, г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Декабристов, д. 35.
Тел./факс: (812) 714-40-13
The “Centre of testing, selecting and accompanying sports gifted children” helps to assess predisposition of a child to sport. Our programmes include medical-biological with genetical analysis, psychological and pedagogical tests for children as well as athletes of different level of preparedness, and they allow to get answers to the following problems:
- What physical qualities are given to a child genetically;
- What load he can take;
- What are strong and weak sides of physical, psychological preparedness of a child;
- Owing to what it is possible to form tactics and strategy of training;
- Whether it is possible for the athlete to recover after load or he is in need of more time for resting than the rest of the group;
- Whether the athlete is able to lose his weight;
- What causes traumatism: genetics, wrong training process, nutrition food allowance;
- And many other things.
More information about our programmes you can find here.
Our partners from the Research Scientific Institution carry out investigations in sports genetics, and having worked out a number of specialized DNA tests for selecting children for definite sports events and individual training process.
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