Почтовый адрес: 190121, г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Декабристов, д. 35.
Тел./факс: (812) 714-40-13
Dear part-time students, please follow the schedule of classes.
If it is necessary to come to the Russian Federation to study, please contact the International Department in advance: mo@lesgaft.spb.ru to clarify the rules of entry into the country.
We would like to remind you that all foreign citizens staying in the territory of the Russian Federation must have a valid medical insurance (insurance program must include emergency hospitalization, repatriation). The student can independently choose an insurance company and issue a policy for a foreign student.
- A copy of the insurance policy should be sent to the International Office: mo@lesgaft.spb.ru.
- We remind you that the absence of a policy constitutes an administrative offense.
Please contcat International department for more information: mo@lesgaft.spb.ru
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